... if Golden Core are any indicator for what’s to come then the future of music is bright.

- Myrkfælni


It’s very much the Electric Wizard school of doom and it’s of the highest grade.
- Noob Heavy


The opening drive of the title track is magnificent, with thunderous doomy riffs propelled with a fuzzy bass line and pounding drums. Imagine Kyuss if they lived in the savage north rather than sun baked desert. 
- The Sleeping Shaman


… they’re pushing the boundary of what music is or can be. 
- Heavy Blog Is Heavy


The big, thick riffs are heavily hook-laden and deliciously groovesome, and the rhythm section know how to make you want to move from head to toe. 
- No Clean Singing


If the fluid, undulating riffcraft immediately brings to mind High On Fire, then further investigation suggests the weird worldview and awkward inclinations of mid-period Årabrot - an excellent combination that’s both immediately gratifying and worthy of deep, detailed exploration. 
- Metal Hammer UK


The raspy vocals and blunt instrumentation is reminiscent of Mantar, but the lack of punky adrenaline and proclivity for fluid guitarwork puts this more in line with the likes of High On Fire, at times. 
- Astral Noize


Fy flate satan. Her beviser duoen atter ein gong kvifor dei befinn seg i toppen.
- Evig Lyttar


... et album som i en normal verden burde ha vært Spellemann-nominert ...
- Metal Hammer Norway


"... musikalsk er denne opninga eit tydeleg testament på at dei vil vise fram ei råheit og ei styrke med aggressivitet og sinne. Og dei lukkast godt med å skape eit inntrykk av ei svunnen og norrøn tid. Det er ikkje vikingmetall som Enslaved, eller vikingkvad som Wardruna, men noko heilt ekte og primitivt norrønt og brutalt.
- musikknyheter.no


Det er ikke vanskelig å se for seg at Golden Core har noen gode år foran seg. Det skorter i alle fall ikke på talent hos disse ungfolene.
- Dagbladet


Disse unge vikingene gjør sin helt egen greie, og talentet og djervheten bør sørge for at duoen erobrer nye tilhengere også langt utenfor våre nordlige strender
- iTromsø


Fimbultýr er en gjennomført, egenartet og særs velprodusert fet plate som forhåpentligvis vil gi den unge duoen gjennombruddet de fortjener.
- disharmoni


Fimbultýr is enigmatic and engaging in equal measure, with no two tracks sounding the same.
- Noizze 


Le son général est épais, bien enveloppé de plusieurs couches différentes qui donnent une texture sonore imposante mais agréable.
Soil Chronicles 


Det er ingen bass, men det fremstår likevel basstungt. Riffingen er helt rå. Akkurat passe skittent og faretruende. 
- heavymetal.no


Det er fortsatt håp for fremtiden i norsk metall.

- Trønderavisa





Golden Core has made a solid impression on the metal scene in Norway, Denmark and Iceland for years, with appearances on most of the biggest festivals like Midgardsblot, Høstsabbat, Øyafestivalen and Bloodstock Open Air, and support gigs for bands like Napalm Death and Bongzilla.


Hailing from the Oslo-suburb of Ammerud, the band consists of Simen Jakobsen Harstad on guitars and amplifiers and Johannes Thor Sandal on vocals and drums.


With Converge's Kurt Ballou on mixing and Blood Command's Yngve Andersen as producer, FIMBULTÝR is a monument of the young band's dazzling ambition and artistic vision. Not afraid to merge their ancestral heritage of norse mythology with US-stoner rock and norwegian black metal, Golden Core has chiseled out an album of undeniable quality and originality.


So, dear listener, whether you feel the call for eternal war in Valhalla or prefer staying at home, listening to metal with vision and grandeur, Golden Core is here to guide you.



For booking requests in Norway and Iceland contact:


Jon Julius Sandal - Helvetes Indre Kretser

e-mail: goldencore@heimskringla.no


Denmark, Sweden & Finland

Anders Wind - Doomed Scandinavia

e-mail: anders@bulletbooking.dk